What are Water Restrictions?

In the Tampa Bay region lawn watering is limited to no more than twice-per-week. The water restrictions are set by the Southwest Florida Water Management District and are designed to conserve water during the region's driest months of the year. Check your local government's restrictions as some cities have local ordinances different from the water management district.

Tampa Bay area water use usually spikes in April, May and early June. Those spikes are directly attributed to lawn watering. In fact, up to 50 percent of all water used during these times is used for outdoor watering.

You can help save water and avoid fines by following local restrictions and watering only on your days. Determining your watering day is easy: simply enter your zip code below and you will be directed to the rules for your area.

Enter your zip code to find out when you can water.

We did not find your zip code in our database. It might be outside of Tampa Bay Water’s service region. Please check the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s website at www.watermatters.org. If you need help immediately, visit our contact page. Thank you.

You might be a customer of one of the following city’s that maintains its own water supply:

Water Smarter: Know Your Watering Days

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Knowing your day is important, but there are other rules associated with the latest restrictions:

  • Watering is generally prohibited between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. 
  • Sprinkler-like devices used on a lawn for recreational purposes shall be limited to the lawn and landscape restrictions.
  • Homeowners associations and other entities must suspend any requirement to replace lawns or engage in other activity which increases water use during this water shortage declaration.

Under the current restrictions, local governments may issue citations to those who violate the rules without first issuing warnings. Fines vary by municipality and can range from $35.00-$500.00.

Be sure to check your local watering restrictions above for specific restrictions.

Other ways to save water include:

  • If it rains at least ½ inch on or just before your watering day, skip your watering day
  • Use a hose nozzle when hand watering or car washing
  • The summer rainy season is a good time to install new sod, trees and plants

Twice-per-week lawn watering schedules are in effect.