Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative provides electric service to 17 Tampa Bay Water sites in Pasco County. Annually the cooperative allocates a pro rata share of its margins to its member-owners...
Tampa Bay Water’s Source Water Protection Mini-grant Program awards grants to local organizations that share our environmental stewardship goals, help protect drinking water sources and engage the community in source...
The demand in the South Hillsborough County service area has been steadily increasing for the past several years and has sharply increased in the past year. Average demand in this...
While the Tampa Bay area ended 2023 with normal rainfall in November and December, the region remains in a Stage 1 Drought Alert due to a 9.3-inch rainfall deficit over...
The Tampa Bay Water Wise regional rebate program is picking up steam as more residents and businesses realize they can get paid to save water. For fiscal year 2023, the...