Every year, Tampa Bay Water updates its demand forecast over a 20-year horizon to ensure the next water supply project is developed in time to meet growing demands. This forecast is also used to prepare the agency’s annual budget, to determine allocations from each of our three water source types for the coming year, and to help us manage the future effects on the uniform water rate.
For 2026, Tampa Bay Water anticipates delivering an average of 209.7 million gallons of water per day (mgd) to our member governments. This is the same projection we used for our current year’s budget and takes into consideration the reductions in regional demand from outdoor watering restrictions, a return to normal rainfall and cooler temperatures during fiscal year 2024.
The demand forecast continues to show population growth in our tri-county area, with the fastest growth in Pasco and southern Hillsborough counties. By 2044, the agency anticipates the region needing 333 mgd, or about 3 mgd lower than last year’s 2044 regional median demand projection.
“Thorough demand planning is critical for Tampa Bay Water to fulfill its unequivocal obligation to meet our members’ current and future water needs,” said Warren Hogg, chief science officer for Tampa Bay Water.