Purchasing Frequently Asked Questions
What are the dollar amount thresholds for Tampa Bay Water’s purchases?
Purchases are subject to the following requirements established by Tampa Bay Water's Board of Directors. The Purchasing Department may competitively bid any request, regardless of dollar amount, when it best serves the Agency. Click here to review Tampa Bay Water's current purchasing thresholds.
How do I find out about active solicitations?
Notifications of all active formal quotations, sole source requests, sealed invitation to bid and request for proposal solicitations are published in the Open Public Opportunities tab in Bonfire.
How can I become a registered vendor with Tampa Bay Water?
Interested suppliers may register in Tampa Bay Water’s Vendor Registration Portal on Bonfire. For additional assistance, please call Tampa Bay Water’s Purchasing Department at (727) 791-2353 or (727) 558-7220.
Does Tampa Bay Water accept electronic bids?
Yes, Tampa Bay Water is now accepting electronic bids through the Bonfire portal.
Where do bidders turn in our original bids/proposals?
All bids and proposals may be uploaded through the Bonfire portal or may be submitted in a sealed envelope, carton or box to Tampa Bay Water’s Records Department at its administrative office (unless otherwise designated in the actual solicitation) with a label that is clearly marked with the Project Name and Contract No. Sealed Bids and Proposals may be delivered to the Records Department, in person, by carrier or courier or by U.S. Mail “certified” to the attention of:
Records Department:
Attn: Purchasing
Tampa Bay Water
2575 Enterprise Road
Clearwater, FL 33763-1102
What types of goods and services does Tampa Bay Water purchase?
Tampa Bay Water utilizes a variety of goods and services for its daily operations. Samples are listed below but are not limited to:
- Auditing
- Banking
- Financial and Accounting Services
- Construction Services
- Contractor Services
- Landscaping Services
- Engineering and Architectural Services
- Environmental Assessment and Studies
- Risk Management
- Insurance Services
- Land Maintenance
- Lawn Mowing
- Clearing
- Management and Surveying Services
- Project Management Services
- Repair & Maintenance Services
- Security Services
- Debris Removal Services
- Mitigation Services; Well Drilling, Plugging, Rehabilitation
- Public Relation
- Public Outreach and Promotional Services
- Information Technology Services, Supplies and Equipment
- HVAC Services, Maintenance & Supplies
- Janitorial Services & Supplies
- Fleet Purchases, Towing, Repairs and Wheeled Specialty Equipment
- Laboratory Chemicals Services & Supplies
- Safety Services & Supplies
- Electrical and Wiring Products
- Plumbing
- Piping
- Water Pumps
- Fencing
- Roofing Services
- Lighting Fixtures and Supplies
- Chemicals and Gases
- Metal Fabrication
- Tools
- Hardware Building Supplies and Maintenance Equipment
- Wireless and Telemetry Services
- Office Supplies, Equipment and Furnishings
- Inventory and Warehouse Supplies
How long does the contract process take?
The contract process length varies depending on the procurement method. Informal Purchases up to $20,000 are generally quick in accordance with approval policy. Formal Quotations ($20,000 - $34,999) generally take 30-45 days and Formal Purchases (in excess of $35,000) require formal competitive bidding and can take 90-180 days depending on evaluation requirements.
Can bids/proposals be requested or viewed on the same day that they are opened?
No, the bids/proposals will go under evaluation by Tampa Bay Water. Copies of bids and proposals can be requested in accordance with Florida’s Public Records law, Chapter 119, F.S., which is at the time Tampa Bay Water posts a Notice of Intent or thirty days after the bid opening, whichever is earlier.
I have a specific question regarding an advertised bid that I would like to bid on. Who do I call?
All solicitations provide a contact representative in purchasing to assist you. Please do not contact the project manager, other Tampa Bay Water staff or board members to answer your specific bid questions. Inappropriate contact may cause bidders to be disqualified.
How do I find out the bidders names and the dollar amounts that were bid on an invitation for sealed quotes, bid or proposal, or pre-qualified assignments?
Sealed competitive quotes, bids and pre-qualified bids/proposals are opened publicly. In those cases, you can either come to the public opening to watch the sealed bids/proposals being opened or you can request a copy of the bid tabulation for the bid/proposal you are interested in from the Tampa Bay Water Records department. For other requests for proposals or qualifications, there is a due date and time for the submittals but no public opening. These are available by request through Records either 30 days after the submittal due date or when a Notice of Intent is published, whichever is earlier. Notices of Intent and Bid Tabulations will also be available through the Bonfire portal.
How do I reach the right purchasing agent to assist me?
You may contact the appropriate purchasing representative during normal business hours. Click here for the purchasing team's contact information.
Who do I send my invoices and address my questions regarding payment?
Mail invoices to the attention of Tampa Bay Water’s Finance Department or email invoices to: accountspayable@tampabaywater.org. Do not submit invoices to purchasing department or staff to avoid delay in the processing of your payment.
What are Tampa Bay Water’s payment terms?
Net 30
Is Tampa Bay Water tax exempt?
Yes, Tampa Bay Water’s tax-exempt number is 85-8017867532C-6. If you need a copy of the certificate you may download it here: Exemption Certificate or contact purchasing purchasing@tampabaywater.org or finance departments accountspayable@tampabaywater.org.
What are Tampa Bay Water’s purchase order terms and conditions?
Tampa Bay Water’s Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions can be found here: Terms & Conditions.
Billing Information
Email invoices to accountspayable@tampabaywater.org
Tampa Bay Water is exempt from tax in
the State of Florida. Our tax exempt number is
Download our tax exempt form.
Payment terms are Net30.