Working With Us

Tampa Bay Water helps contain costs and keep its staffing level consistent through strategic outsourcing. Outsourcing helps reduce overhead while providing access to specialized expertise in the private sector. We routinely go out to bid on our water supply construction projects and are looking for qualified contractors and consultants to work with us.
Tampa Bay Water posts bids on Bonfire. To view opportunities you’ll need to register with Bonfire.
For all formal solicitations, Tampa Bay Water uses Bonfire to notify vendors of bidding and proposal opportunities. To receive the notifications you must register with Bonfire. Registration is free for all vendors. If you are already registered you can log in from the same portal to view and respond to current bidding opportunities, send inquiries and view award notices. If you need assistance with registration please email Bonfire directly at
Billing Information
Email invoices to
Tampa Bay Water is exempt from tax in
the State of Florida. Our tax exempt number is
Download our tax exempt form.
Payment terms are Net30.