At its February meeting, Tampa Bay Water’s board of directors approved a joint project agreement amendment for the South Hillsborough Pipeline to accommodate changes requested by Hillsborough County. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners approved the restated joint project agreement at its Feb. 19 meeting.
The County requested:
Additionally, the amended agreement updates projected cost estimates for the pipeline based on 60% design for Segment B and the County’s additional infrastructure requests. Hillsborough County will fund both the additional tee connection and yard piping. The total capital cost for the South Hillsborough Pipeline is $505.7 million. Segment A is funded by Tampa Bay Water, and Segment B is funded by Hillsborough County. The Southwest Florida Water Management District is co-funding up to $147.94 million for the pipeline, which will be split between the two segments.
The South Hillsborough Pipeline will be 26 miles long and up to 60 inches in diameter. When completed in late 2028, it will deliver up to 65 million gallons of water per day to fast-growing southern Hillsborough County. For more on the project visit