
Tampa Bay Water supplies wholesale drinking water to Hillsborough CountyPasco CountyPinellas CountyNew Port RicheySt. Petersburg and Tampa. We supply water to more than 2.6 million people through the governments we serve. For residential water service or billing questions, please contact your local water utility. Please feel free to contact us if you need help finding your local water utility.

Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

For domestic well questions or concerns, please call: (727) 796‑2355, option 4.

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Tampa Bay Water Locations

Administration Offices

2575 Enterprise Road
Clearwater, FL 33763
Phone: (727) 796‑2355
Fax: (727) 791‑2388

The Clearwater administration offices are located at 2575 Enterprise Road, Clearwater, FL 33763
Click here for directions to Tampa Bay Water's Administration Offices

Infrastructure and Emergency Management Building

8865 Pump Station Road
Land O'Lakes, FL 34639

Tampa Bay Water's Cypress Creek facility is located at 8865 Pump Station Road Land O'Lakes, FL 34639
Click here for directions to Tampa Bay Water's Infrastructure and Emergency Building

For information on current projects under construction, please call 1 (866) INFO H20 ( 1 (866) 463‑6420 )

For information on our domestic well mitigation program, please call our Mitigation Hotline at (727) 796‑2355, option 4.

Public records requests should be directed to or Krista Simon, Administrative Services Manager, at (727) 796‑2355

Utility coordination and plan review requests and construction notices should be directed to or Rob Macdonnell at (813)929-2193

Comments or questions on Tampa Bay Water’s system, projects or facilities and tour requests should be directed to:

Comments or questions about this web site, including feedback, questions or suggestions on accessibility should be directed to: