News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Brandon Moore
(727) 791-2304 | (727) 470-0702
CLEARWATER, Fla. (May 15, 2023) – Tampa Bay Water’s board of directors approved the utility’s fiscal year 2024 budget which includes a $0.02 increase in the wholesale water rate at just under $2.60/1,000 gallons. For a typical residential household, which uses about 4,200 gallons of water a month, the rate increase means an extra $0.07 in monthly water bills from the wholesale rate.
The budget balances the board’s three overarching goals to maintain a reliable water supply system, be good stewards of the environment and maintain cost effective rates. At less than a penny per gallon, wholesale tap water remains a value in the Tampa Bay region. And, as the region continues to grow, so does the need to maintain and add new water supply infrastructure. The approved budget funds the utility’s capital needs through 2033, which include new water supply and water quality projects.
“The 2024 budget is forward-looking and ensures a reliable supply of clean, safe drinking water at an affordable rate,” said Chuck Carden, general manager for Tampa Bay Water. “A rate increase is practical considering the infrastructure projects on the horizon and reasonable considering rising costs in other household expenses. We worked hard to minimize the increase at a time when every penny counts.”
Tampa Bay Water’s total fiscal year 2024 budget is $199.6 million and addresses rising costs while keeping the wholesale water rate affordable and predictable. The budget includes funding for two large projects to bring more water to the region with no added staff.
The agency’s 2024 budget anticipates a 200,000 gallon per day increase in water demands, largely due to growth in the member government service areas. Tampa Bay Water will meet that demand through a blend of treated regional sources – groundwater, river water and seawater.
As a non-profit, special district of the State of Florida, Tampa Bay Water has no taxing authority and is funded through the sale of wholesale water to its member governments. Each member pays the same wholesale rate and shares costs to operate and maintain the regional water supply system and develop new water supplies.
About Tampa Bay Water
Tampa Bay Water is the largest wholesale water supplier in Florida, providing high-quality drinking water to its members that, in turn, supply water to more than 2.5 million residents of the Tampa Bay area. Tampa Bay Water member governments include Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties and the cities of New Port Richey, St. Petersburg and Tampa. To learn more, visit
For news media requests, please contact:
Michelle Stom, MPA, APR
Chief of Staff/Chief Strategy Officer
O: (727) 791-2305 | M: (727) 418-4652
Brandon Moore, APR
Public Communications Manager
O: (727) 791-2304 | M: (727) 470-0702