Photo Gallery
The photos in this gallery are free to use for editorial purposes in news articles and blog posts of an informative nature. Commercial use of Tampa Bay Water photos is not allowed without approval from our Board of Directors in accordance with its endorsement policy. Please cite all photos with, "Photo courtesy of Tampa Bay Water."
Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Facility

Aerial view of Tampa Bay Seawater
Desalination Facility.

Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Facility reverse osmosis membranes.

View of Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Facility reverse osmosis treatment.

Inside lime saturator at Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Facility.

Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Facility diatomaceous earth filters.

Aerial view of sand filters at Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Facility.
C.W. Bill Young Regional Reservoir

Aerial view of Regional Reservoir.

Aerial view of tower at Regional Reservoir.

Aerial view of Regional Reservoir.

Water quality sampling at Regional Reservoir.

View of tower at Regional Reservoir.

View of Regional Reservoir and tower.
Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant

Aerial view of the Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant.

Pipe gallery at the Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant.

Oxygen tanks at the Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant.

Ozone destruct unit at the Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant.

Entrance to Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant.

Weir filters at the Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant.

Aerial view of the Lithia Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Facility.

Operators console at Tampa Bay Water's Land O'Lakes campus.

Pump room at Cypress Creek Pump Station.

Pump room at Cypress Creek Pump Station.

Aerial view of tanks at Tampa Bay Water's High Service Pump Station.

Water storage tanks at the Land O'Lakes campus.
Water Quality

Amber borosilicate vial used for the analysis of Volatile Organic Contaminants (VOCs) in water.

Closeup of slide in the microbiology section of Tampa Bay Water's State-certified laboratory.

Microbiology section in Tampa Bay Water's State-certified laboratory.

Samples for water quality testing.

Scientist setting up autosampler for the measurement of taste-and-odor-causing compounds in water.

Nessler tubes used for the analysis of color in water.

pH buffer solutions in autosampler carousel.

Taking water sample from finished water pipe.

Lab Technician in lab at Tampa Bay Water.