Purchasing and Procurement

Tampa Bay Water invites all suppliers and contractors to participate in the competitive bidding process. We encourage full and open competition whenever possible so that bidders are afforded an opportunity to submit bids and proposals, and compete on fair and equal terms.
The Purchasing department aims to procure required goods and services in a timely manner and provide professional support for all of Tampa Bay Water’s departments.
The Purchasing staff ensure that all procurement activities are conducted in compliance with policies and Florida statutes to receive the best value solutions for the public, our members and the water rate payers in the Tampa Bay area.
Tampa Bay Water uses Bonfire for all our formal Requests for Quotes (RFQ), and formal solicitations including Bids and Requests for Proposals. All RFQ and solicitation documents may be viewed and obtained as noted below. Vendors will be able to provide electronic submissions and view opportunities and notices all in one place.
For all RFQ’s and formal solicitations, please visit tampabaywater.bonfirehub.com. You must register with Bonfire to view the official solicitation documents. Bonfire registration is free for all vendors. Should you require technical assistance please contact with registration please send an email to support@gobonfire.com. We look forward to an easier and more efficient way to do business with you.