Indoor Water Conservation & Efficiency for Businesses

Commercial users of water fall into many subcategories. Major commercial uses include restaurants, kitchens, office buildings, hotels, laundromats and others. The type of uses will determine the technologies that can be used. A detailed explanation of facility type and applicable technologies can be found on the Alliance for Water Efficiency website.
Here are Several Tips on How Businesses Can Increase Water Efficiency Indoors:

Indoor Efficiency Tip
Use WaterSense labeled products (toilets, urinals, faucets and shower heads) when applicable.

Indoor Efficiency Tip
Rely on Energy Star guidelines, which frequently factor in water savings along with energy conservation.

Indoor Efficiency Tip
In commercial kitchens, replace pre-rinse spray valves with valves that flow at 1.28 gallons per minute or less.

Indoor Efficiency Tip
Replace dishwashing machines with Energy Star models.

Indoor Efficiency Tip
Make sure that ice machines are Energy Star but do not use water for cooling.

Indoor Efficiency Tip
Consider water efficiency in any performance based contracting done to increase water use efficiency.

Indoor Efficiency Tip
Make water savings a high priority in contracts with vendors.

Indoor Efficiency Tip
If any potential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program is developed in your area, make sure it includes water efficiency. Click here for PACE municipalities in Florida.