Eldridge-Wilde Wellfield Pumps & Motors Replacement and Underground Powerline Project

The Eldridge-Wilde Wellfield was originally constructed between 1954 and 1970 and currently has 34 production wells in service across northern Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. Water withdrawn from the wellfield is treated at Tampa Bay Water’s Eldridge-Wilde Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Facility before delivery to the adjacent Pinellas County Keller Water Treatment Plant for further treatment and pumping into the Pinellas County water distribution system.
This project is designed to optimize operations of the wellfield and enhance wellfield reliability, energy efficiency and safety. It includes the replacement of the pumps, motors and enclosures at 24 wells. The other 10 wells will remain in place, but not in service, for potential future use.
The existing overhead power lines within the wellfield will be removed as part of the project and replaced by underground power line systems that will be installed, owned and operated by Tampa Electric Company for the portion of the wellfield within Hillsborough County and new overhead powerlines owned and operated by Duke Energy for the portion within Pinellas County. Some segments of the existing access roadways will also be improved.
The new pumps and motors will be sized for the capacity of each well, improving operating and energy efficiency. Maintenance costs are expected to be reduced by approximately 30 percent and annual power costs may be reduced by 20-30 percent.
The budget for the project is approximately $21.2 million for well improvements, up to $750,000 of which is co-funded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The budget for the enhancements to the electrical supply is approximately $4 million.
Time Frame
This project is scheduled to be completed by June 2026.
Public Impacts
This project may require periodic closing of the section of the Pinellas Trail that extends north from Keystone Road to Trinity Boulevard. Tampa Bay Water, in partnership with Pinellas County, will inform residents in advance.