Reports and Documents

Interlocal Agreement
Tampa Bay Water is a special district of the State of Florida created by interlocal agreement among its six member governments. The agreement establishes the agency as the exclusive water supplier and its responsibility to plan, develop and deliver a high-quality drinking water supply.

Master Water Supply Contract
Tampa Bay Water’s Master Water Supply Contract identifies its unequivocal obligation to meet member water needs. It requires that Tampa Bay Water’s members share the costs of developing and maintaining water supplies, share in environmental stewardship efforts, share voting rights, and pay the same wholesale rate.

Strategic Plan
Tampa Bay Water’s strategic plan provides a roadmap to fulfilling its mission of reliably providing clean, safe water to the region now and for future generations. First established in 2011, the strategic plan is updated to ensure the goals and objectives embrace the direction of the organization, while still aligning with the agency’s mission, vision and values.

Public Opinion Survey
A statistically valid internet survey of 1,249 randomly selected households in the Tampa Bay Water service area was conducted from February 7, 2024, to March 7, 2024. The objective of this research study is to explore public attitudes regarding the following issues:
- Water Needs
- Tampa Bay Water
- Water Sources
- Reclaimed Water
- Conservation Programs
- Water Quality
- Water Cost
- Information Sources

Special District Facilities Report
Tampa Bay Water is a special Florida Statues require special districts such as Tampa Bay Water to file public facilities reports with each local government in which the special districts are located, and post these reports to agency websites. The purpose of facilities reports is to provide local governments with information that is pertinent to developing and updating local governments’ comprehensive plans.

Regulatory PlanS
Chapter 120 of Florida Statutes, an amendment enacted in 2015, requires Tampa Bay Water to file an annual regulatory plan. Regulatory plans identify laws enacted or amended during the previous 12 months that affect the duties or authority of Tampa Bay Water, and identify associated duties the agency must adopt to implement the law.

This 20-year plan is a framework for meeting the region’s future drinking water needs. The Long-term Master Water Plan identifies future water needs and potential water supply projects that could be designed and built to meet those needs for the region. The plan, which was instated in 1998, is updated every five years; each update must be approved by the agency’s board of directors.

2024 Year In Review
Supplying drinking water to more than 2.6 million people is an essential public service that's not possible without the support of our community. In 2024, Tampa Bay Water achieved its mission despite challenges faced by many Florida communities. We fulfilled our promise and delivered clean safe drinking every day to our six member governments and the residents and businesses they serve. See how we made it all happen in 2024!

Capital ImprovementS Program Fiscal Years 2025-2034
Tampa Bay Water’s Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is a comprehensive ten-year plan and portfolio of previously approved and new proposed capital projects. The CIP is updated annually as the scope, needs and timing for specific projects change. Tampa Bay Water’s Board of Directors annually accepts the CIP for implementation by agency staff.

Tampa Bay Water’s Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is a comprehensive ten-year plan and portfolio of previously approved and new proposed capital projects. The CIP is updated annually as the scope, needs and timing for specific projects change. Tampa Bay Water’s Board of Directors annually accepts the CIP for implementation by agency staff.

Water Quality Study Report December 2019
At the request of its member governments, Tampa Bay Water is performing a water quality study to evaluate existing local water quality requirements. The water quality parameters being examined are local parameters that are more stringent than federal and state standards. The study is evaluating various treatment technologies, system conditions and costs to further enhance the water quality in the regional water system. Additional studies are needed to confirm the results in this report.

2023 Water Quality Report
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection require that all water utilities provide their customers with a water quality report annually. This report contains details about your sources of drinking water, how it is treated, what it contains and how it compares to federal and state standards.
Performance audit and management study
Every five years, Tampa Bay Water’s performance is reviewed by an outside consulting firm. It’s one way that Tampa Bay Water’s board of directors helps ensure the regional water utility is efficient, effective and economical.
Unlike a financial audit, the performance audit looks at the activities performed by the agency and reviews the performance in comparison with organizations of similar size and type.
Each performance audit is conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States.
For more information on the availability of this report, please fill out a public records request.