Tampa Bay Water Financial Information
The current wholesale water rate is $2.63 per 1,000 gallons. At less than a penny a gallon, wholesale water remains a value in the Tampa Bay region.
Tampa Bay Water keeps water affordable through its budgeting process. As a special district of the State of Florida, we are funded through the sale of wholesale water to the local governments we serve. We have no taxing authority and we do not make a profit.
Agency Budget
Our annual budget is balanced—our projected expenses equal our projected income. Each budget is rigorously reviewed by the governments we serve and discussed in a public workshop before our Board of Directors considers approval prior to August 1 of each year.
Financial Reports
The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is a thorough and detailed presentation of the agency’s financial condition. It reports on the agency’s activities and balances for each fiscal year.
The Popular Annual Financial Report extracts information from the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and is designed to be easily understandable to the general public and other interested parties without a background in public finance.
Official Statements for Bond Series
An official statement is a document prepared by or on behalf of a state or local government in connection with a new issue of municipal securities. In some respects, an official statement is comparable to a prospectus for corporate equity or debt offering. An official statement describes the essential terms of the bonds. It typically provides the most detailed description of the terms and features of the bonds through maturity, unless and until these terms have been modified.
Capital Improvements Program
Tampa Bay Water’s Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is a comprehensive ten-year plan and portfolio of previously approved and new proposed capital projects. The CIP is updated annually as the scope, needs and timing for specific projects change. Tampa Bay Water’s Board of Directors annually accepts the CIP for implementation by agency staff.
The main objectives of the Capital Improvements Program Plan are:
- To improve Tampa Bay Water’s financial stability by identifying capital needs, estimating funding needs including future bond issues, and identify the effects on the operating budget;
- To maintain and improve Tampa Bay Water’s infrastructure through the maintenance, repair and replacement of existing assets; and
- Identify and implement short- and long-term infrastructure needs/projects to meet the regions’ future water demands.